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Chrome’s password manager recently swallowed over 15 million passwords

A recent issue in the Chrome web browser meant millions of users were unable to access their saved passwords.

It hasn’t been a good year for Google. Last week, there was a glitch in Google Chrome that caused over 15 million passwords to simply disappear, forcing the global tech company to publicly apologize.

Due to a bug in Chrome’s password manager feature, users were unable to use saved passwords between July 24 and 25, nor was it possible to save new passwords.

Google issued an apology for the error and stated that the problem was isolated to the M127 version of the Chrome browser on Windows. This means that a quarter of all Chrome users were affected by the problem, around 15 million of whom actively use the password manager.

The password glitch is now fixed

When the issue first arose, Google offered a temporary solution that required users to enter an additional command when starting up Chrome. However, the problem has now been completely resolved and passwords can be fully accessed again.

Posted on: 7/30/2024 1:17:45 PM


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